“Welcome Home” is a diocesan initiative to invite all Catholics to experience the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). The sacrament is a wonderful opportunity to encounter God's healing and to draw closer to the Lord. Confessions will be held Mondays: March 7 through April 4, from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in every Catholic Church in the Diocese of Paterson. Don’t be afraid! Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! www.WelcomeHomeToHealing.org
This Lenten season, each parish in the Diocese of Paterson will have the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) available Mondays: March 7 through April 4, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm If you have been reluctant to come to the Sacrament, have been away for some time or just found it difficult to get to a Saturday afternoon Confession time, this is a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with Christ and His Church. Don’t be afraid! Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! www.WelcomeHomeToHealing.org
The Sacrament of Reconicliation (Confession) will be held celebrated on Mondays: March 7 through April 4, from 7:00 pm -8:30 pm in every parish in the Diocese of Paterson. This is a wonderful opportunity to come to Confession as a family or to invite a friend who you know has not had the opportunity to go to Confession in some time. Don’t be afraid! Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! www.WelcomeHomeToHealing.org
The Lord desires that all be saved through His Passion, Death and Resurrection. May we all take advantage of his forgiveness and mercy by availing ourselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lenten season…
Lord, you did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, but sent her away forgiven and in peace. Help us to not fear your justice but instead to come to you in humility to seek your mercy and healing love…
Lord, your cross has redeemed us, your death has given us new life and your resurrection raises us to glory with you. Help us to seek your healing love this Lenten season by availing ourselves to the Sacrament of Penance…
Lord we often feel heavily burdened with the difficulties of life and our sins, help us to find the grace to return to you and to receive your peace in the Sacrament of Penance this Lenten season…
That we might have the grace and power to turn to Christ Our Savior and to confess with humble hearts our sins that we might be cleansed from all that separates us from Him…
Lord, you were sent to bring the good news of salvation for the poor and healing for all trapped in sin, give us the grace to turn to your healing love this Lenten season through the Sacrament of Reconciliation…
Lord, that you lead many souls back to a restored life of grace through the diocesan-wide initiative “Welcome Home”…
That we each approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lenten season to purify our lives of all that is not of Christ…